Nearby places

When you travel from Ohrid to Bitola, in the village of Leskoec you can notice a road sign which shows the way to Skrebatno and the church St. Bogorodica. Skrebatno is located in the bosom of the mountain Petrino, 1200m above the sea level and 9km away from the village of Leskoec, in a very picturesque landscape.

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St. Naum Locality- a lot of beauties in the same place

28 kilometers away from the town of Ohrid, among the endless blueness of the Ohrid Lake and the high mountain sierra of the mountain Galichica is the locality called St. Naum. The locality is surrounded by divine nature and radiates with beauty, culture, history and tradition.

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Ohrid - a town that can capture you at first sight

What is the thing that makes this town so special? Why to choose it as your destination? There are numerous reasons for that, but we can only indicate ten of them.

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